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A Young Woman With Hypertonia, Severe Scoliosis, and Encephalopathy
JAMA Neurol 81:83-84, Hua,L.,et al, 2024

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy:Clinical & Pathologic Study of 50 Pts with Classical (Occidental) Merosin-Positive Form
Neurol 46:815-818, Kobayashi,O.,et al, 1996

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Syndromes Distinguished by Alkaline and Acid Phosphatase, Merosin, & Dystrophin Staining
Neurol 46:810-814, Connolly,A.M.,et al, 1996

Cockayne Syndrome: Review of 140 Cases
Am J Med Genet 42:68-84, Nance,M.A. &Berry,S.A., 1992

Fucosidosis Revisited:A Review of 77 Patients
Am J Med Genet 38:111-131, Willems,P.J.,et al, 1991

Improved Diagnosis of Becker Muscular Dystrophy by Dystrophin Testing
Neurol 39:1011-1017, Hoffman,E.P.,et al, 1989

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
J Pediatr 115:214-221, Leyten,Q.H.,et al, 1989

Rigid Spine Syndrome and Rigid Spine Sign in Myopathies
J Child Neurol 4:273-282, Merlini,L.,et al, 1989

Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy:Disease Spectrum and Differential Diagnosis
Neuropediatrics 19:62-71, Voit,T.,et al, 1988

Clinical Epidemology of Toxic-Oil Syndrome
NEJM 309:1408-1414, Kilbourne,E.M.,et al, 1983

The Spectrum of Mild X-Linked Recessive Muscular Dystrophy
Arch Neurol 34:408, Ringer,S.P.,et al, 1977

Parkinson's Disease
In Handbk of Clinical Neurology, Vinken, P. J. & Bruyn, G. W. , Ed, North-Holland Publ Co, Amsterdam, 6:173, 1968. Selby, G., 1968

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